Theological And Ontological Assumptions In Democracy Poem by Joseph Narusiewicz

Theological And Ontological Assumptions In Democracy

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Just like we see only the top of an iceberg, so we only see the top of a political system.
Ethical life is a given cultural expression of Spirit, the collective entity that transcends all individuals and determines their beliefs and actions whether they are conscious of it or not. Ethical life and our ideologies reflect the fundamental interdependence among individuals in a society and finds articulation in their shared customs and morals.
Hegel argues this happens in eras, such as the Greek era, the Roman era. He believed the dialectic happened by one era bumping into another era thus creating another era. A bumping into B becomes C. This on going process of world Spirit (Geist) was assumed to bring us toward perfection thus a perfect union. This ontological and theological assumption is an example of what a political system can carry in collective unconscious. This assumption gives a undergirding peace that man can work it out through technology, politics, ideology etc. This assumption that history is heading in the right direction exists in the collective era thus the individual.
Nietzsche would call this moral ethical assumption of right and wrong and progressive attitude of history coming from an era's collective sociology, psychology and ethical perspective a "Will to Power" rather than being objective truth. Just like we have a collective language we have a collective basis of ideals, mores, ethics etc. We share in the world Spirit of an age and of a era. We are bonded together in culture, history, and states and assume a huge array of what we perceive as TRUTH. So many people carry a banner of democracy as a secular religion with this underlying ontological and theological assumption. Rather than fighting for justice they fight for democracy and ideology.
Marx would take Hegel and bring forth "Dialectical Materialism." Hegelian perspectives permeate philosophical, political and theological thought in our time.
I do not believe history is working itself out by politics, ideology, technology or democracy. I do not believe in Nietzsche's supermen and man over man men as a bridge from the past eras to bring the world to a better time. I know the temptation to believe in men and lands with divine right is easy to do and is an ever present temptation of simplicity. We all want Santa Claus.
Political religions are easy to fall for and offer community like Dostoevsky's "Grand Inquisitor."
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. John Adams
As a Christian John Adams knew democracy would eventually go back to the fall. Jefferson and other enlightenment men believed democracy could revitalize itself by many revolutions. The enlightenment perspective on man had no fall and man kicked out of the garden.
Another aspect of our present day democracy is the Calvinist ontological theological perspective it has. Calvin along with Luther and Augustine all rejected the thousand years of peace in Revelation 20. The thousand years of peace is expounded on many times in Isaiah and the Old Testament. Origen in the second century AD, called this time of Israel and Jerusalem a Jewish myth. Latter Augustine copied this and a thousand years latter in the 14th century so did Luther and Calvin in the Reformation. Israel lost their Temple in 70 AD. The early church taught they would have it built after the church age ended. Augustine, Calvin, Luther said the thousand years of peace would happen in the church age and not come from the Jews. Augustine actually alluded to the thousand years of peace being the symbiosis of the Roman Empire and the Church in his time. Luther and Calvin both wrote against the thousand years of led by the Jews under God thus making it seem like it would still be brought in. This led to endless politics. When these theologies are secularized you end up with political systems in countries and lands thinking they will bring in the world peace so desired… thus endless politics with divine right. The light on the hill, the New Jerusalem, nationalism and empires becoming the anointed ones is still with us with no end in sight. So many Christians involved with political and ideological solutions with an ontological theological Calvinism underneath. The world Geist and Spirit is permeating their lives as they fight for justice in temporary fragments of the era. The Hegelian Christ is alive and well. He is the political monstrosity of projection draped in ideology against scripture.
Dostoevsky's, "The Brothers Karamazov" starts out in a monastery. The question is presented, "who brings in the Kingdom of God? " Ask yourself this question please?
So many political groups have a hidden ontological theological underpinning of bringing in lasting change for the world. Their fight for justice is tied in with these groups who actually have a motif of bringing in the Kingdom of God that is well hidden in the collective unconscious. Many people are in despair in these groups and will continue to be so. The world is fallen, men are fallen and all systems in our fallen world will never ever bring in the Kingdom of God. The secular Christian is doomed. Fight for justice not secular ideologies or political parties. Those that have abandoned Scripture are fools. Their Messiah is an idol!

Theological And Ontological Assumptions In Democracy
Daniel Brick 14 April 2017

I admire your tightly reasoned argument, and the passion behind it. It is the passion and reasoning of one who conceives divinity in personal terms: God is a PERSON, God has therefore a history and a personality and personal attributes and - no, that's enough to work with.for the time being. I agree with you: this is the nature of the the three Abrahamitic religions, and it is a profound connective tissue linking despite their differences, hostilities, denials, etc. B-U-T (in intellectual reasoning there is always a yES, BUT... as you will no doubt remind me when I'm finished) there are Eastern religions which include an impersonal conception of divinity and which lack any formal Creator God. In Hinduism, SAGUNA BRAHMAN is brahman with attributes, and embodied, for example, is Brahma who is personal, has a history (rather unsavory - he lost one of his heads because of it) , a personality, Scriotures, etc. There is also an impersonal form of Gits calls BHAKTI one of Four Paths to God, as the Bhagavad Gita teaches, In the West ATHEIST is word used as a weapon to disparage or condemn a non-theist. An atheist is not a Godless person; their definition of God as impersonal is different from theism, which the Bhagavad Gita calls Bhakti. Christiianity is preeminently a Bhakti religion: Jesus Christ is my personal savior, Krishna is my personal savior. You revere the revelation of the Hebrew Bible, I revere the revelation of the Upanishads, the oldest of all written scriptures. Am I therefore a Fool in you estimation, or am I a fellow pilgrim following the Path to God congenial to my personality and history? I know in the West the word ATHEISM has accrued many connotations, all negative. And it goes against your core belief in THEISM. I recall a Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka saying, Buddhism is neutral about the gods. If people want to worship them, they can. But when the gods exist, they too need to be enlightened. He did not call those who disagreed with him FOOLS. He acknowledged the integrity of their beliefs, perhaps with a sigh, but not an insult.

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Joseph Narusiewicz 17 April 2017

Buddism, Hinduism etc can't even settle on a real world. Your country will go under 666 just like all of the rest and your religion is phony

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Joseph Narusiewicz

Joseph Narusiewicz

So St Paul, Minnesota
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