Every Program Poem by Joseph Narusiewicz

Every Program

I never held a crueler night
You were deceit in moonlight
Silk with venom
How I thought life was a free sea
They took my DNA
Analyzed me like a snake
Put me on a reservation
On a rooftop I seen the city

I no longer expect gifts
All these bright kingdoms
Eyes of babies
Gates where spirits hover
Duffle bags and fatigues
Armies with meteors
Ray guns of apple galaxies
Gnostic towers off of Orion

Little bipolar endorphins
The ups and downs of spies
Redshift poems of quasar beds
On our way home
Mission accomplished
Exorcist military
The bad guys don’t come home
The good guys are in psyche wards

New photos from the Hubble
Little cells in secret places
All the legal drugs
Shifts in the Hegelian epochs
He died of madness
Hero’s of non-profit awareness
Secular religion is frightening
Every program needs a virus

Sunday, June 28, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: social comment
Theodora Onken 30 June 2015

On a rooftop i SEEN the city.

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How are you? I always liked you

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Theodora Onken 29 June 2015

i SEEN the city

2 0 Reply
Joseph Narusiewicz

Joseph Narusiewicz

So St Paul, Minnesota
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