Theory Of Eyes * Poem by Eli Spivakovsky

Theory Of Eyes *

Euclid does his geometry in the dark with just one candle
but he never was prepared for the dimensions of eyes like yours
Dashes of blue, open opalescent, tinged with turquoise
cerulean coral cusp, if they were 'sky-blue' tiny swallows would take flight in them
ultramarine: a dolphin skips to the beat of your pupils
azure: the clouds clear themselves to make way for the majestic
sapphire: deep in the Earth they are hidden away, you must make effort to locate them - whole rooms are filled with them, give me a glance
indigo: the deep waves, the hadal waters rush towards you
turquoise: not just turquoise, Lander Blue Turquoise the highest grade
how to measure the candela - the points of light collected by them, you'd make Violle abandon his theory, start again, more inspired this time
But I know there is a coded eternity in them
your soul washed clean radiates like topaz
what is your secret, how did you earn this extra beauty
have you delved into a mighty deed
did you once save a deer from traffic?
did you once pray so hard the firmament lifted?
did you do a kindness as a child and never told anyone?
I once saw a photograph of a gypsy boy holding a leaf full of dew - it shimmered like your eyes, my sweet, like my theorem, my dedicated study, my cause.

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