There's A Cat On My Porch! Poem by Long Tooth

There's A Cat On My Porch!

Rating: 5.0

There's a cat on my porch, and I don't know its name
For we aren't well acquainted, perhaps it's not tame,
But I've seen it before when it triggers alarms
On my new TV doorbell. No wall! Is there harm
In a guest seeking shelter, that's worthy or not,
To give a cat respite's not asking a lot!

There are folks now that camp on our borders as well,
And to hear Trump describe them, they're guilty as hell
Of gross crimes, misdemeanors, and well past the 'pale'
Of what Trump sees as virtues, deserving of jail!
Or could 'pale' mean skin color, aren't slaves still OK,
And more rapeable women you don't have to pay?

Though your God kills unborn, must the doctors be stopped
Who provide painless end to life none will adopt?
You who sanction the death of a stray dog or cat,
Who will even pay cash to set traps for a rat,
When Trump steals from the poor and gives gifts to the rich,
Would the world not improve with trash dumped in a ditch?

Yes, I'm hoping for prison for Trump and his clan,
But for foolish Conservatives, no one should ban
Them for "fake news" and Communist lies others wrought,
Please, dear God, grant us mercy and possibly thought,
Fresh humility shame us for greed we express,
And by Grace, Christ still offer all heaven's access!

Long Tooth
March 23,2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: politics,humor
Lora Colon 24 March 2019

So well expressed. I think we all have had enough of Trump and everyone associated with him. By the way, I see no problem with you giving shelter to a stray cat. I've been told I have bats in my belfry, and they seem to be doing no harm. Ha Great poem, Brian.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 23 March 2019

Great political satire and an entertainer. Thanks for sharing the great punches.10 +

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