There's A Deep Satisfaction Poem by Gary James Smith

There's A Deep Satisfaction

Rating: 5.0

There's A Deep Satisfaction

There's a deep satisfaction in knowing our God
Our source of all strength and all power
There's not one thing but what comes against us
He provides us with grace for that hour
And saturated with His love sealed by the Holy Spirit
When we become partakers of sufferings
In the midst of them He's always near it

What a treasure to rest in those arms
Of an ever present Father
Who when we think we cannot bear it
He takes us a little bit farther
And poured out grace soothes our spirit
He's here...our God is here!
And rest we do in that glorious truth
The good Shepherd is always near

Praise God for my Salvation I bless the day of that transaction
For when I repented of my sin
His Spirit went into action
And brought home to me the truth of it
My sins were all forgiven
And left me with a deep satisfaction of
I was eternally saved for heaven!

Not to muster up strength in myself
For that would be a disaster
But to find my strength in the Saviour
Who is my Lord and my Master
In the valleys of my life
The Lord has lifted me
And has restored my soul to gladness
To live again triumphantly!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright September 22 20195: 49 AM

Gary James Smith

Sunday, September 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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