There's A Cut-Off Date For Sin Poem by Gary James Smith

There's A Cut-Off Date For Sin

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There's A Cut-off Date For Sin

There's a cut-off date for sin
That when it's over it is over
Death is its expirary date
There's no more starting over
Remember you said you were going to change
Well..guess what...that promise is broken
Now you've finished your earthly life
And Hell will be your token

O you've been told the truth alright
When it came to your soul's matter
But you consistently put it off
Thinking you'll check it out later
Well later's come and here you are
Not where you'd wish to be
Because you were so consumed with the temporal
You never thought much of eternity

But truth be told you had your chance
God brought His Word to you
Through His special sent messenger
That the Holy Spirit had led to you
But did you take it as from the Lord
No! .. Satan kept you blinded still
Because you determined within your heart
That you were bent on your own will

Listen... God is real as all get out
His Word will never change
To set your mind against it friend
Will mean it's just deranged
God has grace for every sinner
Come to the mercy-seat's Throne
And give your life a new expirary date
Guess what? ! ! ! ...there won't be one!

You cannot disagree with God's Word
And think that you're going to Heaven
For It alone points the way of Salvation
So believe it while you are still living
Drop your pride and embrace the truth
For it has everlasting duration
The gift of God is eternal life
What a wonderful...wonderful Salvation!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright December 6 2021 9: 48 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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