There's Always A Child Involved Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

There's Always A Child Involved

In laughter's sweet embrace, innocence blooms,
Where hearts dance freely, dispelling all glooms.
Within life's tapestry, a thread so pure,
A child's spirit, forever to endure.

With eyes wide open, they explore the new,
Curiosity sparking dreams anew.
Their laughter echoes, like a song of glee,
A reminder of the joy that sets us free.

In tender hugs and smiles, love finds its way,
A child's presence, a beacon each day.
They teach us lessons, unbeknownst to them,
Of empathy, forgiveness, love's precious gem.

Through their eyes, the world is bathed in wonder,
Each moment cherished, no cause to ponder.
With innocence as armor, they face the storm,
Their resilience guiding us to transform.

Their dreams ignite the spark of boundless hope,
As they weave tales with imagination's scope.
In their embrace, our spirits are revived,
Their purity of heart, forever prized.

Though time may pass, and age may dim our sight,
A child's essence keeps our inner flame alight.
For in their presence, we're forever enthralled,
As their joyous spirit calls us to be enthralled.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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