Think Not For The Future Poem by Alma F. Martin

Think Not For The Future

Raised in oppression & complete poverty
a trusting child shoved into society.

Youngest of all who put up - no fight,
pushed onto others who had no right
to abuse or conquer - at any height.

Yet abuse did they hurl
at all who entered their world

and cross boundaries - so many, untold
- and never did they cease - even when old.

Continue on, so they must
using dishonesty to gain one's trust

and all forms of modern psychology
to try to steal whatever they see

and blame all others for the life they have chosen
even modern day medical diagnoses - unproven.

And take away anything they can
from you who was given from God - a plan.

No good form of life is this -
a family like this - what is amiss!

No honor, no trust, no life do they build
only for themselves & their hellish children they shield

caring not for anyone else's sake
but their own selfish desires they take

and pass it to their children on down the line
bragging street-smart addicts as intelligence fine

in their own worlds do they keep
these offspring of theirs - what hell do they heap!

and expect all others to ignore
the evil they & their children display more.

And angry, yes, both parents & adult children displays
when they are stopped & caught in their selfish, inconsiderate & destructive ways.

and cry discrimination for their bad lives
which has been their own choice, their own fault - their reality thrives.

To such degenerates: Onward! I say,
there is no stopping your free choice today.

Blame everyone else & claim medical pain - such a bore
no insurance will pay the lives you maim - only yours.

Continue on your dreadful lives to offend
and stop not to think how your lives may end,

with longevity of life in millions of years
will you have in the end to cry all future tears.

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