Thinking And Praying For The Traveling Migrants Poem by Hebert Logerie

Thinking And Praying For The Traveling Migrants

The traveling migrants are composed of mothers, fathers
Babies, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters
Cousins, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and strangers.

Oh! We are all strangers on earth. Oh! We are all travelers
That's what we were taught and told at church, at the temple
Their situation is supremely sad. Life should not be so horrible.

The refugees have no fear for the excess heat of the golden sun
For the blind darkness at sundown or for the huge drops of the rain
The wanderers are tough, strong, focused and determined to reach
The final destination. Of course, they're very destitute, not filthy rich.

I am weeping and praying, especially for the sick and tired souls
Some of them can barely walk, yet they're hungry and persistent
To reach the promise land.They're motivated to play multiple roles
They're scared and praying under the umbrellas and the huge tent.

The escaping brothers and sisters are neither criminals nor terrorists
The migrants are fleeing hunger and violence, and they yearn for peace
For the hearts and the souls. Developed nations are indeed responsible.

In the past, they've sent deadly weapons to the ad hoc beggared nations
This is a backlash. Now, these same guns and rifles are used by evil
Gang members and criminals, which weaken all types of institutions
And corrupt the piggish politicians, which are now helpless and feeble.

Copyright © October 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.

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