Thinking With Fun Poem by Nosheen Irfan

Thinking With Fun

Rating: 5.0

I cannot say all is well
As I cower beneath a turtle shell
With blind-folded eyes
Let's ignore the hell

When life throws at you trash
Catch it, be brash
I grow wings but cannot fly
For all the fears in me
Fed time and again
Till they become a one-eyed monster
Appearing in my sleep

Oh, where do I flee?
Tongues are long and free
I cannot see the sunlight
Kissing the top of the tree
For I'm too lost in my fight
Weighed beneath a quilt
Of unseasoned doubts

Why do I feel tied in a rope
With no will to untie the knots
Will I walk the road with a smile
Like that of the new born
Unaware of the thorns

Will they lower their gazes awhile
If they don't like me or my kind
Could I be a bird
That trills without fear
Of the hunter.


Hi Nosheen, Delighted to see you here again. After, May be eons! And about this marvellous poem…

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Anil Kumar Panda 03 June 2022

A beautiful poem and very nicely crafted. Thanks very much for sharing.

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Loved the way the poem is presented, how the content of the poem juxtaposing against the caption, the metaphors used, the rhyming pattern…the choice of words, phrases and images chosen to augment the mood of the poem. Enjoyed. Top score and Myfav

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Nosheen Irfan 04 June 2022

Thank you sir for your in depth analysis and your generous praise. Humbled!

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Part 4. And your wish is limited too " Could I be a bird That trills without fear Of the hunter." You do not nurture a wish to soar in the skies against the winds on your new-found wings..

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Part 3: So cowered down by doubts. Though life has given you wings, you dare not using them. (Contd)

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Part 2. The caption says, ‘Thinking With Fun', but the poem does not speak of fun. It is about harsh realities and blindfolded life throwing trash at you. " Why do I feel tied in a rope With no will to untie the knots " (Contd)

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Nosheen Irfan

Nosheen Irfan

Lahore, Pakistan
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