Thought I Wasn'T Strong Poem by chelsi Ruffing

Thought I Wasn'T Strong

Rating: 5.0

You know I use to think I wasn’t that strong
Now I know I was so very wrong
I really thought you would always be there
Now I walk alone everywhere
Because of you I have a cold heart
How could you rip mine apart
Thanks for showing the real you
I guess then I can play that game to
Maybe loving you was a waist of time
I guess people were right you are slime
Maybe I set myself up for that one
Seeing to you it was nothing but fun
I’m to much to handle for a good boy
To what I’m use to you’re a boy toy
Look I’m not trying to be mean or hateful
I can be mean and I can also be playful
But you will never get to see that side
All because from you the real me I had to hide
I hope this opens your eyes
Cause before you didn’t hear my cries
It’s hard to say goodbye
Maybe I was better never saying hi
Yeah you took my breath away
Only because you shocked me that day!

(thanks for showing me the real you!)

Steve Hagget 04 September 2006

I like this Chelsi, full of meaning and well put together - thanks, steve

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