Three Wells Poem by Chris Embrick

Three Wells

Rating: 5.0

The first well was deep and dry
Joseph was cast into this pit
all because of jealously
because he heard from
the Dream Maker
took from the Dream Giver
He was sold into slavery
but later became a Prince
because he worshiped
the Dream Giver
and drank from the
Well of Living Water.

The second well was deep and muddy
Jeremiah was cast into this cistern
all because of jealousy
because he heard from
the Dream Maker
took from the Dream Giver
False prophets mocked him
tried to have him killed
because he worshiped
the Dream Giver
and drank from the
Well of Living Water

The third well was full of water
the Samaritan woman came to this well
to fill her water pots
but there she met
the Dream Maker
took from the Dream Giver
who offered her living water
That day she became a dreamer
the Dream Giver
and drank from the
Well of Living Water.

Most people dream
but not all are dreamers
Water from the ground
and the sky
satisfy their thirst
They never seek
the Dream Maker
take from the Dream Giver
and so at the end of life
the well is muddy
and finally dry
They never worship
the Dream Giver
and nourish their souls
by drinking from the
Well of Living Water.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: god,water,worship
Hans Vr 04 October 2017

3 biblical stories wonderfully woven into this inspiring poem. Excellent!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 October 2017

The first well was deep and dry. The second well was deep and muddy. The third well was full of water. This clear water is very much necessary for living for all creatures in this Earth. Many dream but all are not dreamers here. Souls drink clear water from wisdom well of God. Brilliant, perceptional and Biblical poem is shared here is much valuable and this carries real wisdom of expression...10

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Chris Embrick

Chris Embrick

Commerce, Georgia
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