Tiktok Poem by Chan Mongol


Poem by Chan Mongol
October 9 of 2021

It is not TikTok what should be held responsible;
TikTok is the soil and doesn't violate privacy of people.
Adults are to know what to cultivate in the sacred soil;
TikTok can be used to make us or, to destroy and spoil.
Males and females, claimants as adults, wise and educated;
They are horrible, anti social, terrible, naked, wicked!
They don't maintain own bedroom privacy and shame;
They twist humanity for their dirty pleasure and game.
What happened to decency, ethics and morality;
Grown up men and women don't see own indecency.
Why publicly displaying privacy of bride and groom?
But shouldn't that be very private in the bedroom?
Governments are not upholding core values of people;
Contradictions are in printed religions and sound mythical.
TikTok isn't teaching like leaders and fanatics;
Evil folks do uncivil in own ways in applying tricks.
The earth was made with ingredients for creatures;
To live in right way or wrong way, depending on us!
TikTok is helping to let us visualize how low an adult can be!
TikTok can be used for productivity or for non-productivity.
I feel sorry for those who got breasts and mustaches;
They need to get married and stop immoral offenses!
Or, let the brothels be re opened as in biblical remote areas!
Let two kinds of people live with radius barriers!
Let a monkey live as a monkey, a bacteria as a bacteria!
Let refined humans live in the safe and secured area!

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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