Time And Motion Studies In The Factories Of Light Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Time And Motion Studies In The Factories Of Light

dream heads upon the chopping blocks
or delved into we manage in the day to day
to hide our tears in the deluge

may the rains sweep sorrow away
and we are the instruments of the GNP
the case studies

in the factories of light.
may we become proficient
they say and they say and they say

in doing what they have for us today
and we are measured incessantly.
somewhere there was a pastorale

where we lived, I or you
as in the fairy tales of our wits
making the fair trade of the one and only

cow for the magic beans
and freeing the captive harp by degrees
from the giant's clasp.

and this is still
not far beyond our grasp
if only we could leave could leave could leave

without being seen to
or marked down for it,
the factories of light.

the inhibitors of flight.

mary angela douglas 3 december 2016

Saturday, December 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,time
James Mclain 03 December 2016

Soon even the most insignificant amongst U.S. will be under constant observation.. iip

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Mary Douglas 03 December 2016

I appreciate very much your reading the poem and taking the time to make a comment but I wasn't really thinthinking about government surveillance but really the atmosphere of the so called art world now and the atmosphere in our schools and work places. This goes deeper than government and started long before their were laws on he books allowing government surveillance. It happens even in private situations and in teaching on a case by case basis and is only parially a poltical problem. The problem as I see it is not political. It is spiritual. It is the desire to control and how it is ruining modern poetry and the human soul, even the soul of children that concerns. I DO NOT WRITE POLTICAL POEMS PER SE NOR AM I IN FAVOR F THEM. POETRY FLOATS ABOVE, IS TRANSCENDANT AND IS A WAY OF ESCAPING ALL THE BS. That's just my opinion. I also believe if people want to write political poetry they are free to do that and I am not their judge. It's just not something I'm interested in. Though I DO agree with you that the level of government surveillance is getting ridiculous and bizarre beyond what is actually needed for so called homeland security. I guess it's all related really. The question comes down to finding your freedom in God and in your own creative work and in prayer we are always free. Inner freedom is the most important and we need God's help to preserve it. Bless you for caring about freedom.

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Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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