Tiny Mosquito Poem by Raunak Sarada

Tiny Mosquito

Rating: 5.0

Tiny Mosquito
What do you think dear
I know you are here

How cute you look when suck my blood
But you don't care how i felt good or full of mud

Get lost from here, why you born
Oh! i am coming please stop this horn

But you only torn skin not the soul
Here living some human mosquito in our country's boul

Here you are dead because lack of bread
But they suck people 's blood till their death

You born from a mosquito so that's why this is your nature
But they birth from a human real
Aren't they behave like wild animal

Tiny Mosquito
Friday, March 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: political
Kumarmani Mahakul 30 March 2018

Amazing poem is brilliantly penned observing tiny mosquito that expresses wise humor on political perception. This is very thought provoking. Welcome to PoemHunter....10

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Vaibhav Simha 30 March 2018

It is a good poem, but many things can be presented better; especially the upper case and lower case letters, and avoid joining of two words. The first third line has a mistake - it should be 'here' not 'hear'. However, in any case, I see humour and that's the centre around which the poem rotates.

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Chinedu Dike 31 October 2020

Nicely expressed thoughts and feelings. An insightful piece of poetry.

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Jazib Kamalvi 06 March 2019

Write comment. A good start, Raunak. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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Raunak Sarada 02 April 2018

thanks vaibhav i think it is a typing mistake i am glad you liked it

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Raunak Sarada 02 April 2018

thanks vaibhav i think it is a typing mistake i am glad you liked it

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Raunak Sarada 02 April 2018

thanks vaibhav i think it is a typing mistake i am glad you liked it

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