Tirukkural Chapter 108 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 108 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 108 - கயமை
108/04. அகப்பட்டி ஆவாரைக் காணின் அவரின்
மிகப்பட்டுச் செம்மாக்கும் கீழ்.

108/04. Agappatti aavaarai kannin avarin
Migappattuch semmaakkum keezh.

108/04. When low class people joins mean minded people
They will all join together and make big dirty scenes.
Aaditya: When low class men joins mean class men
Will good things happen?

Madhukar: A gutter joining another gutter
Will the foul smell be less or more?
Judge how will it be, when low class men
Join with mean minded men?

"Hell On Earth, " both will create,
Harassing people in every street,
Spreading hooliganism everywhere,
And violence in nook and corner.

This is the immoral achievement,
Of these classes of mean-low men,
Who, like mad animals, care for none,
In displaying horror scenes.
108/05. அச்சமே கீழ்களது ஆசாரம் எச்சம்
அவாவுண்டேல் உண்டாம் சிறிது.

108/05. Achchame keezhkalladhu aachaaram echcham
Avaavundael unndaam sirridhu.

108/05. These low class people for fear of punishment
Behave well before strong forces;
Also they behave well
Till they get what they want.
Aaditya: Why at all these low-mean people
Should behave like this?

Madhukar: Before all strong men,
They behave like weak men
For fear of getting beaten
By those wild ruffians

They'll also behave well,
If they get some free bottles
Of wine and tasty free food,
When both are served.

Thereafter with no control
They don't behave well
And do all kinds of atrocities,
With no shame, in public places
108/06. அறைபறை அன்னர் கயவர்தாம் கேட்ட
மறைபிறர்க்கு உய்த்துரைக்க லான்.

108/06. Arraiparrai annar kayavarthaam ketta
Marraipirrarkku uyiththuraikka laan.

108/06. These mean people let out in public
All the secrets heard by them,
So, they are like drummers' tom-tom.
Aaditya: They can't maintain secrets and spreads the same
In between their wild gossip with public.

Madhukar: They may even cash those secrets,
For their several illegal activities,
And create problems among affected people,
Who never expected from them this trouble.

None should believe them,
And tell secrets to them,
As they pass on those secrets
To all their bad associates.

One must be more careful,
In dealing with such people,
And keep them at a distance
To avoid all kinds of troubles.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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