Tirukkural Chapter 117 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 117 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 117 - படர்மெலிந்திரங்கல்
117/04. காமக் கடல்மன்னும் உண்டே; அதுநீந்தும்
ஏமப் புணைமன்னும் இல்.

117/04. Kaamak kadalmannum unnday; adhuneendhum
Eamap punnaimannum il.

117/04. Girl says. "It is true that I have love as big as an ocean,
But I don't have a boat to cross and reach a safe shore."
Jagdeep: This time her love has increased like an ocean
And she wants a boat to cross that ocean.

Nirmal: No one can help her,
Even a boat is given to her,
As she can't row the boat
And her lover must row it.

Because of her love sickness
She may even try to cross
The ocean by a small boat
Despite the dangers attached to it.

This shows her urge to meet,
Her lover at any cost,
Minding not the risk in a boat,
That is likely to sink halfway.
117/05. துப்பின் எவனாவர் மற்கொல் துயர்வரவு
நட்பினுள் ஆற்று பவர்.

117/05. Thuppin evanaavar marrkoal thuyarvaravu
Natpin atrru pavar.

117/05. She says, "When he loves me so much,
I have this kind of trouble.
If he has no love for me, how much
Trouble I will have to face? "
Jagdeep: She feels very much for his absence
And says if he has no love for her
What will happen then?

Nirmal: All kinds of imaginations
She has during her love sickness,
And in case he stopped loving her
She is worried about her future.

In her sickly mental condition
She is in a state of confusion,
As to what should be done
Or what not to be done?

These negative thoughts
Do arise during weak moments
Of a girl left alone by her lover
In that crucial unkindly hour.
117/06. இன்பம் கடல்மற்றுக் காமம் அஃதடுங்கால்
துன்பம் அதனின் பெரிது.

117/06. Inbham kadalmatrruk kaamam akkthadungkaal
Thunbham adhanin peridhu.

117/06. She says, "I was feeling very happy
When my lover was with me,
But now the ocean of pains is more painful
Than that ocean of happiness what I had earlier."
Jagdeep: Too much happiness
And too much of unhappiness
Both a girl cannot bear
When she is in love.

Nirmal: Yes, you are correct.
Both the extremes affect
Her mental condition
Beyond her control then.

A fish that enjoyed in water
If it is thrown out of water,
What'll be its fate in the land
Will it not die on the sand?

Like this, in his company
All these days she did enjoy,
And now when he has gone,
Calmly how can she remain?

Thursday, December 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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