Tirukkural Chapter 122 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 122 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 122 - கனவு நிலையுரைத்தல்.
122/07. நனவினால் நல்காக் கொடியார் கனவினான்
என்னெம்மைப் பீழிப் பது?

122/07. Nanavinaal nalkaak kodiyaar kanavinaan
Ennemmaip peezhip padhu?

122/07. "When I am in wakeful state this cruel man doesn't come.
When I am sleeping, why he is troubling me in my dreams? "
Bhagirath: She is calling him a cruel man
For coming in her dreams, but not when she is awake.

Nirbhay: True, in that state of mind
She's not able to find
Any other words to call him
As a cruel man of her dream.

How long she'll wait for him?
To meet her, when he'll come?
Now dream is the only way
Open to meet him every day.

This pang of separation,
Throws her in desperation,
To use such hurting words
As a cruel man of her dreams.
122/08. துஞ்சுங்கால் தோள்மேலர் ஆகி விழிக்குங்கால்
நெஞ்சத்தர் ஆவர் விரைந்து.

122/08. Thunjungaal thollmelar aaghi vizhikkungaal
Nenjathar aavar viraindhu

122/08. "When I am sleeping he is hugging my shoulders.
When I wake up immediately he runs into my mind."
Bhagirath: She's facing now another problem.
When she sleeps, he's with her.
He goes away when she wakes up.

Nirbhay: Her imagination goes high
In that her visible feelings of sigh,
It's seen from her open expressions,
And her heartfelt sorrowful words.

It shows the depth of her feelings
For his act of indifference,
In not sending a message to her,
Where he's and when he'll meet her?

It is natural for her to come out
With her feelings and shout,
Why he's behaving like this,
When she's awaiting his presence?
122/09. நனவினால் நல்காரை நோவர் கனவினால்
காதலர்க் காணா தவர்!

122/09. Nanavinaal nalkaarai novar kanavinaal
Kaadhalark kaannaa dhavar.

122/09. "When I had my pleasure with him in my dreams
Why should I criticize him for not giving it while I am awake? "
Bhagirath: Now she has come to the point.
When she had her pleasure in her dreams
Why should she criticize him?

Nirbhay: Yes, in her wakeful vision,
She finds him a missing man,
And in her night dreams then
She finds him a joyful man.

There is no solution to this,
Until her lover returns,
And fulfill her dreams,
With him when she remains.

Now half satisfied she is
As a close lover he is
In her sweet dreams
Until the day he comes.
122/10. நனவினால் நம்நீத்தார் என்பர் கனவினால்
காணார்கொல் இவ்வூ ரவர்.

122/10. Nanavinaal namneeththaar enbar kanavinaal
Kaannaarkol ivvoo ravar.

122/10. "The town people know only that he's separated from me.
But they do not know that I am happy with him in my dreams."
Bhagirath: See, how she supports him against the rumors
Spread by the town people.

Nirbhay: Even a stone is her husband,
Or even a grass is her husband,
To any girl who is married,
The proverb says in these words.

(கல்லானாலும் கணவன்)
(புல்லானாலும் புருஷன்)
(Kallaanaalum Kanavan)
(Pullaanaalum Purushan)

He may be busy in his world,
But she cares for her husband,
Prays for his welfare and long life
As his sincere beloved wife.

Men outside may talk ill of them
But she always protects him
From their wild gossip
To keep his prestige up.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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