Tirukkural Chapter 126 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 126 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 126 - நிறையழிதல்.
126/04. நிறையுடையேன் என்பேன்மன் யானோ? என் காமம்
மறையிறந்து மன்று படும்.

126/04. Nirraiyudaiyean enbaneman yaano? En kaamam
Marraiyirandhu mandrru padum.

126/04. "If I tell anyone that I have suppressed my love,
That very moment my love will come out making me a liar."
Jaswant: How can she suppress her love?

Milan: Mind may have one thing,
Spoken words may be another thing.
But one day the truth will come out
And surprisingly it'll spill out.

That is how this girl says one thing
But her mind speaks real thing.
She says she has suppressed love,
But from her mind springs out her love.

Thus the love made her a liar,
Which she herself made clear;
And that shows her weak mind,
As she denied what she told.
125/05. செற்றார்பின் செல்லாப் பெருந்தகைமை; காமநோய்
உற்றார் அறிவதொன்று அன்று.

125/05. Setrraarpin sellaap perundhakaimai; kaamanoi
Utrraar arrivathondrru andrru.

125/05. "By not getting his love she developed enmity with him,
But this enmity is not like other enmity
As she has to go to him only for getting his love."
Jaswant: Love has become so complicated
That she has to go to him only for getting his love,

Milan: Wife and husband quarrel,
Will disappear before night's arrival,
So, enmity makes no sense at their level,
Like enmity of other people.

For a few years this'll go on,
But after children are born,
Their interests will change
Completely at that stage.

Family life is not so easy,
Or sometime it appears easy,
Everything depends upon
The attitude of each one.
126/06, செற்றவர் பின்சேறல் வேண்டி அளித்தாரோ!
எற்றென்னை உற்ற துயர்.

126/06. Setrravar pincherral venndi alliththaaro!
Etrrennai utrra; thuyar.

126/06. "Before the very person who gave me trouble, I wish to surrender
As a hostage and how I got this strange worry. Oh Mother."
Jaswant: The trouble giver is her husband.
And she wants to surrender to him as a hostage!
What a funny story this is!

Milan: In a sarcastic manner here,
She says about her lover,
That she wants to surrender,
Before him who gave trouble to her.

It is not a question of hostage,
She lives under his patronage.
Both will have to live under one roof,
As a family of husband and wife.

There is no slave or master,
In their married relationship,
But it is only mutual friendship,
That brightens their lives forever

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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