Tirukkural Chapter 36 - Couplets 1,2,3 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 36 - Couplets 1,2,3

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 36 - மெய்யுணர்தல்
36/01. பொருளல் லவற்றைப் பொருளென்று உணரும்
மருளான்ஆம் மாணாப் பிறப்பு.

36/01. Porullal lavarraip porullendru unnarum
Marullaanaam maadaap pirrappu.

36/01. One will have a birth with no happiness
If he feels false things as real things.
Hema: One should take real things as real
How can one take false things as real?

Prema: One can't take brass as gold
Only gold can change as gold.
If one says brass is gold
He's the worst cheat in the world.

What eyes see, is not true,
What eyes see not, is true.
Eyes do not see air
But it exists we're sure.

Once people believed
Sun and moon went around
And the earth stood
At one place on its ground.

Later it was discovered
That all planets moved
Around the sun that stayed
At the centre like a Lord.
36/02. இருள்நீங்கி இன்பம் பயக்கும் மருள்நீங்கி
மாசறு காட்சி யவர்க்கு.

36/02. Irullneengi inbam payakkum marullneengi
Maasarru kaatchi yavarkku.

36/02. Wise men who have come out of ignorance,
Their wisdom will give them happiness avoiding birth.
Hema: A wise man takes a thing at its face value.

Prema: One must learn what is what,
And must not guess this and that,
That may take them nowhere,
Not knowing facts and figures.

One knowing absolute truth
Is no doubt a wise man,
And he has no second birth,
As facts his eyes have seen.

Try to learn real facts
Without any doubts,
Then the world claims
You're the most wise.
36/03. ஐயத்தின் நீங்கித் தெளிந்தார்க்கு வையத்தின்
வானம் நணியது உடைத்து.

36/03. Iyaththu neegnith thellindharkku vaiyaththin
Vaanam nanniyadhu udaiththu.

36/03. One who has no doubt having realized
The true knowledge, the heaven is close to him.
Hema: One will have to acquire true knowledge
Without any doubt.

Prema, Yes Hema, doubts if not cleared,
Will stay long in one's mind,
And his life will be a hell,
As his knowledge is not full.

'Half knowledge is dangerous'
Learned wise men say like this.
It's like jumping over half the well.
One will drop himself into the well.

One must study under a guru
Learn perfectly what's true.
He's a man of wisdom then,
Fit to join the group of wise men.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Kumarmani Mahakul 30 August 2016

A beautiful poem with moral values. Enjoyed. Thanks for sharing.

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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