Tirukkural Chapter 45 - Couplets 1,2,3 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 45 - Couplets 1,2,3

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 45 - பெரியாரைத் துணைக்கோடல்
45/01. அறன்அறிந்து மூத்த அறிவுடையார் கேண்மை
திறன்அறிந்து தேர்ந்து கொளல்.

45/01. Arran arrindhu mooththa arrivudaiyaar kennmai
Thirranarrindhu therndhu kollal

45/01. Knowing well about the virtues, one should select senior scholars
And have their company
Jaishankar: It is good that one selects a company of Scholars.

Lakshman: Though one has learnt
Every science and art
It is better he moves
With senior scholars.

In their company, he gets
Some of their experiences
That'll help his progress
In the various field of arts.

One may be a good writer,
But not a good speaker,
When moving with scholars
He'll become a good speaker.
45/02. உற்றநோய் நீக்கி உறாஅமை முற்காக்கும்
பெற்றியார்ப் பேணிக் கொளல்.

45/02. Utrranoi neekki urraamai murrkaakkum
Petrryaarp pennik kollal.

45/02. The company of an elder, who knows how to safeguard himself from dangers,
Those have come and also that will come, one should have by serving his needs.
Jaishankar: By keeping elders' company, one can share their experiences and
Gather better knowledge from them.

Lakshman: The company of elders
Helps a man always
To solve many problems
In his life he may face.

His knowledge will expand,
Step by step, in every field,
When they talk to him
On their experiences every time.

Wise men are a mini-university,
Without any kind of publicity,
And their company gives one
A valuable free education.
45/03. அறியவற்றுள் எல்லாம் அரிதே பெரியாரைப்
பேணித் தமராக் கொளல்.

45/03. Arriyavatrrull ellaam aridhe periyaaraip
Pennith thamaraak kollal.

45/03. Among all the actions the best one is to keep close relationship
With a senior wise man and follow his footsteps.
Jaishankar: It is a good advice that one should follow
The footstep of a senior wise man.

Lakshman: A wise man senior to one
Can make him also a wise man,
So, the company of a wise man
Always is good for anyone.

In the good olden days
There were no schools
But a student studied
Where his Guru's stayed.

He did household duties
In the Guru's house
And during spare hours
Guru was taking up classes.

He was like a member,
Of Guru's family there,
And in the company of Guru
As a wise boy he grew.

Thursday, September 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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