Tirukkural Chapter 77 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 77 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 77 - படை மாட்சி
77/07. தார்தாங்கிச் செல்வது தானை தலைவந்த
போர்தாங்கும் தன்மை அறிந்து.

77/07. Thaarthaangich chelvadhu thaanai thalaivandha
Porthaangum thanmai arrindhu.

77/07. An army that finds the war tactics of enemy forces
and rearrange their march forward to fight and win them
is considered to be the best among armies.
Akhilesh: A tactical army is a must to defend a country
against an enemy's invasion.

Harshad: An army rearranges its soldiers
After finding out enemies' tactics,
So that they can attack them boldly
And win the war successfully.

That kind of army intelligence
Existed in those heroic days,
And many wars were fought
With valor in those days past.

They did surprise attacks,
Stunning their enemy forces,
Beyond their expectations,
And won many wars like this.
77/08. அடல்தகையும் ஆற்றலும் இல்லெனினும் தானை
படைத்தகையல் பாடு பெறும்.

77/08. Atalthagaiyum atrralum illeninum thaanai
Padaiththagaiyaal plaadu perrum.

77/08. There must be a show for an army
even if they can't fight boldly and by its appearance
enemy forces should be afraid of.
Akhilesh: The appearance of an army must make its enemy shudder.

Harshad: True, an army's appearance,
Their uniform dresses and turbans,
Their sharp spears and swords,
They create fear in enemies' minds.

Their enemy forces must fear
On seeing their march coming near
And run away from that spot,
Without any thought of fight.

It is their numbers, enemies count,
Not knowing their talents to fight,
So, their pomp and show did its trick
When they ran away not taking a risk.
77/09. சிறுமையும் செல்லாத் துனியும் வறுமையும்
இல்லாயின் வெல்லும் படை.

77/09. Sirumaiyum sellaath thuniyum varrumaiyum
Illaayin vellum padai.

77/09. No wages given to soldiers, who have become weak,
due to King's bad habits, there is hatred and poverty among them;
If all these things are not there, an army will win its enemies.
Akhilesh: The poet has given all the negative tendencies of an army
And the King, saying that in the absence of the same, the army can win.

Harshad: Yes, if a King is careless,
His army will become useless,
It all depends upon his good habits,
To bring up disciplined soldiers.

Even if a King goes wrong
His soldiers cannot go wrong,
As it is the army that protects
All lives and properties.

If army is not there
A country is not there.
People live in peace
Because of their sacrifices.
77/10. நிலைமக்கள் சால உடைத்தெனினும் தானை
தலைமக்கள் இல்வழி இல்.

77/10. Nilaimakkall saala udaiththeninum thaanai
Thalaimakkall ilvazhi il.

77/10. When a war is going on with a number of efficient solders,
without a Commander to guide them, it will not remain stable.
Akhilesh: A Commander to lead his army is a must.

Harshad: Without a Commander to lead,
All soldiers will remain confused.
When and where to go and fight?
Who'll give green signal to start?

A Commander is a leader,
Who moves his troops to border,
So that civilians are not affected
When the war is started.

The job of a commander
Is more responsible post
In that he gives orders
For his troops movements.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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