Tirukkural Chapter 86 - Couplets 4,5,6 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 86 - Couplets 4,5,6

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 86 - இகல்.
86/04. இன்பத்துள் இன்பம் பயக்கும் இகலென்னும்
துன்பத்துள் துன்பம் கெடின்.

86/04. Inbaththull inbam payakkum ighalennum
Thunbaththull thunbham kedin.

86/04. If this feeling of hatred or discordance does not remain with one, that will give him the most happiness among all happiness.
Harini: If one removes the negative feeling
and has a positive approach, he will be the happiest person.

Tejaswini: True, the negative feelings
Will eat his mind always,
And he'll get mental sickness,
With his negative thoughts.

The entire body metabolism
Will alter its positive system
Into a negative system,
A disease oriented mechanism.

A right thinking gives,
Right mind and thoughts,
That'll take the right person
To the correct destination.
86/05. இகலெதிர் சாய்ந்தொழுக வல்லாரை யாரே
மிகலூக்கும் தன்மை யவர்.

86/05. Ighaledhir saaindhozhugha vallaarai yaaro
Migalookkum thanmai yavar.

86/05. If one is mentally capable of staying away from discordance or hatred no one has the will to win such a strong person.
Harini: The wave of discordance
Must go away from one's mind.

Tejaswini: Mind is a bundle of thoughts,
And not made up of flesh and blood,
If one controls his wave of thoughts,
Then his body system will be good.

He'll develop a positive mind
Wherein a new world he'll find
More energetic and vibrant,
All due to his controlled thoughts.

None can win that person now
As he has won his mind somehow
That was once swaying here and there
But now it is not going anywhere.
86/06. இகலின் மிகலினிது என்பவன் வாழ்க்கை
தவலும் கெடலும் நணித்து.

86/06. Igalin mighalinidhu enbhavan vazhkkai
Thavalum kedalum nanniththu.

86/06. If a person enjoys his habit of discordance
it will trouble and ruin his life soon.
Harini: If one enjoys his habitual negative thoughts
It will take him nowhere but to the end of his life.

Tejaswini: He'll ruin his life like this
With all his negative tendencies,
If he enjoys this kind of bad habit
To disagree with others' point.

He will be standing alone
Among the world of wise men
And people will shun him
Without arguing with him.

So, he must change his habit,
In his own self interest,
Or else, he'll die soon,
Not cared for by anyone.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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