Tirukkural Chapter 93 - Couplets 1,2,3 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 93 - Couplets 1,2,3

திருக்குறள் -TIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 93 - கள்ளுண்ணாமை
93/01. உட்கப் படாஅர் ஒளியிழப்பர் எஞ்ஞான்றும்
கட்காதல் கொண்டொழுகு வார்.

93/01. Utkap padaar olliyizhappar egngnaandrum
Katkaadhal kondozhugu vaar.

93/01. Those who are mad after drinks will never be respected by others.
They will also lose whatever respect they had already.
Adharsh: Habitual drunkards will lose their respects soon.

Hitendra: In cold countries to keep warmth,
People drink wine, keeping in mind their health,
But in hot countries there is no need,
For such drinks, which habit is not good.

Many drunkards fall down in streets,
Not even minding gutters,
They're picked by their families,
With their mind full of aversions.

Slowly they lose their respects,
And not cared for by others,
They drink losing their health
And also their precious wealth.
93/02. உண்ணற்க கள்ளை உணில்உண்க சான்றோரால்
எண்ணப் படவேண்டா தார்.

93/02. Unnarrkka kallai unnilunngha saandrroraal
Ennap padavendaa dhaar.

93/02. Don't drink. Let those people drink who care not
For the respects of great men
Adharsh: People who respect great men will not drink.

Hitendra: Great men advises drunkards,
"It is an evil habit and don't drink, "
But all habitual drunkards
Don't listen to their advices.

When that moment comes,
Their legs run to the bars
And they drink pegs after pegs
Until they satisfy their urges.

How long the body can
Withstand that strain?
One day it falls down
With no life, it is gone.
93/03. ஈன்றாள் முகத்தேயும் இன்னாதால் என்மற்றுச்
சான்றோர் முகத்து களி.

93/03. Eenrraall mughaththeyum innaadhaal enmatrruch
Saanrror mughaththu kalli.

93/03. A drunkard by all, even if his mother sees him, she will hate him. If good people see him, what will they think of him?
Adharsh: A drunkard creates nuisance
And is hated by one and all.

Hitendra: Even his mother sees him,
She will, no doubt, hate him,
For that dirtiest habit
Somehow he has got.

When he talks to others
From his mouth emanates
Bad smell that creates
Vomiting sensation to others.

To suppress that bad smell
He smokes that gives
Another kind of bad smell
That creates nausea to all.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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