To Our Soulful Past Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

To Our Soulful Past

She pulled the weeds with its roots,
She brushed aside ingrained instincts
And rose beyond feminine boundaries
While throwing away all her easy gifts
In devout homage to our soulful past.

She thought not twice nor reflected over
Leaving her nest to whomever it fits
Or nip little bud in intolerable pain;
True sanyasin she was in soul and heart
In devout homage to our soulful past.

She knew not where she was to reach,
Night it was and dark everywhere;
Though wings were weak, eyes, bleak,
But she flew away from snug own nest
In devout homage to our soulful past.

No light in soul, no throb in heart,
No desire in her to live any more;
Though no place she had as her own,
She fluttered wings and flew from there
In devout homage to our soulful past.

Broken was her post, shatter'd, goal post,
No course ahead to reach and meet,
So ordained to her her cruel fate;
She refused snug life anywhere ‘neath Sun
In devout homage to our soulful past.

She was plucked from her soulful past
And securely then tied to that nest
By the golden thread of compromise;
No more could she bear and snapp'd the knot
In devout homage to our soulful past.

I was her past and I was her post,
I was her dreams day and night;
But, alas, me irrelevant rendered fate;
She threw out herself to the dark night
In devout homage to our soulful past.

I witness all through soul rending sights
With tongues tied and legs, paralysed,
With bleeding heart and crying eyes;
She knows my pain, but silently bears
In devout homage to our soulful past.

No hopes for us anywhere in sight,
Only pains and grief for the other's plight,
While far glimmer of hope do I dream;
None for her, she does make up that loss
In devout homage to our soulful past.

All is gone, blinding dark everywhere,
No flowers bloom, no sunshine anymore;
But she digs her thoughts and finds her light
In unfulfill'd rare gem of fulfilment
In devout homage to our soulful past.

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