'' To This Virus, No-One's A Stranger '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' To This Virus, No-One's A Stranger ''

Face the facts,
Our irresponsible acts,
Are now coming back to haunt,
By those we are led,
The lies being fed,
Will leave us all feeling gaunt.

It's so uncouth,
They know the truth,
But refuse to keep us informed,
Be in no doubt,
When the people find out,
Your battlements, can and will be stormed.

You're continued lying,
Means more are dying,
This virus knows nothing of classes,
Yes, it's true,
It is coming for you,
You are, but one of the masses.

We cannot Appease,
This corona disease,
Was it made and released by another?
The human mind,
Can be so unkind,
This fact we are known to smother.

Across every nation,
There is no cessation,
In our quest for a cure, people fall,
Yet still we deny,
That millions will die,
To hide this, world governments won't stall.

It will get meaner,
Be you queen or cleaner,
From child to adult, you're in danger,
Nobody is secure,
Until we find a cure,

‘' To This Virus, No-one's A Stranger ‘'

Friday, April 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: disease
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 April 2020

No stranger should lie about Corona virus. This virus should be tested. From child to, all are in danger. But we have to be careful. This poem is very amazingly and excellently penned. An amazing poem is brought up ahead for social awareness.

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