To What Could Have Been Poem by Radley So.

To What Could Have Been

Oh to the places we could have seen, and to the memories that could have been,
to the times we shared, oh how I miss our laughter and tears.

The gods, I know, must have envied us from their crystal throne, no matter; the storms that we weathered, our friendships were tempered, ajoining our hopes and our fears.

Many times I looked you in the eyes, hoping you would be able to understand my clear emotions. What defines a true friend? A true foe? That I have wondered all these years.

In the end I believe that everything happens for a reason, no occurence is random, no matter how much you try and force it to be. Though we may be apart and seeking new things, in the end we will always be great peers, you and I, oh I wish there were no such things as goodbyes.

Sometimes its difficult to understand why things happen the way they do, believe me its true, when I say that there are some things that we were not meant to understand. In the end the courage I needed to say what was hidden in my heart was broken by the relentless clashing of the gears,
an endless stream of tears..

But now I see, you, you, you, and yes, you, have had the opportunity to lead a life unaffected by my petty emotions, had I drawn that courage, I would not have been able to see the happiness that was brought upon by the occurence of the ones who won your heart. At the same time, somtimes I wished I had asked you to dance... Oh how I missed that wonderful chance.

Oh to the monumental barriers we would have crossed, the battles we never would have lost,
to the friendships that will be rekindled, I pray and I wait; I hope you can agree;
We are one.
You and me.

To you...
from me...
Whoever you may be....

~*Nezra*~ Farrell 12 August 2009

I can relate to this right now, at this very moment.I promise you. Niccccccccccccceeeeee

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