Radley So. Poems

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The Girl Who Stole The Stars

A dream I had which I could not ignore,
Came upon me one night in a hurry.
Beneath the starry skies she did call for
my name- and -thus I left in a flurry.

Living A Lie

Living a Lie

I am who you think I am
But who am I really?

Fly In The Rain

Fly in the Rain

Pitter-patter against the glass,
Dripping down towards the grass.

How High

How High...

How high are you in the sky,
Are planes flying over by?

The Place

The air was wrought with pain, a tension filled so deep;
There are only six words that can describe it: 'You always sow what you reap'
A torrent of darkness filled the world, crying, screaming; I never meant it from the start!
But the silence before the storm cannot be altered, when the light bringer is the devil in your heart.

To What Could Have Been

Oh to the places we could have seen, and to the memories that could have been,
to the times we shared, oh how I miss our laughter and tears.

The gods, I know, must have envied us from their crystal throne, no matter; the storms that we weathered, our friendships were tempered, ajoining our hopes and our fears.

The Trap

Traps are set so that it meets the eye of the lonely passerby.
Cunning, conniving, readily stalking, like no other exists or matter,
Conceive a tale spun with golden threads like that snake slithering on by
Confused you might, believe its right but don't forget about the latter,

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