Today, When The Dawn Arrives Poem by Soumili Karmakar

Today, When The Dawn Arrives

Rating: 4.5

Today, when the dawn arrives
I hopefully can see through my life,
All that our winds have swept
All that our memories have kept
All that gratitude that comes from the sky
Indeed, are flowers that have loved and also died.

The coming of this dawn is precious to the world
As we see through the hour-glass and despise neither darkness nor love.
Time has flown, perhaps not our age
Young is the soul that sleeps in the grave.

Today, when the dawn arrives
My wish for you is sent by time;
This time is the Goddess of my fate,
Being blessed by the generation of the Great,
Turning into miracles at days of weariness
When my fragile heart was in fright,
When the meaning of distance was not in vain,
But only answered in time.

Today, when the dawn arrives
I realise how the night retreats
And heaven has been my home where I loved, and was loved by time.
Today, could be my last like a futile summer's day,
But I live in all that I've ever loved
That holy mud and water of the grave couldn't take.

Today, when the dawn arrives
I think of my past life
Where I belonged before my petals had dried,
Where each one fell for the sea's magical waves
Splashing the sprinkles of an age
Whose song is left unsung in the river of time
To remind one how the lines of a border,
Shadowed in the chorus of time's lost rhyme.

As I'm privileged to have had lived and loved
So are you, and there's nothing to argue about our promises were true.
A good day is a comfort to many
This time beats in the heartdrum of my fairy.
This time is all I have saved for you, my friend
This time is all, I have to tell you about
If you are coming and find yourself lone and lost in your way.
Indeed, you too are a sign of time
I worship you every day on this very other side that life has bind.

As the night sky is effacing its indigo to a lighter shade of blue
I wonder, whether it's our time to say a few good words, too.
Oh, how the lighter blue turns to a pale, yellowish-orange by the sun!
Seven seas still couldn't make amends for what was yet to be done.
I find, then, this time when I thought the air I breathed in shall pass in silence
But silence also meant life because, selflessly it only gave as our sun's light
Helping the buds that are yet to be born,
And fulfilling the prayers of a farm.

Do you see like I do?
I find this dawn breaking, with the twittering of gleeful birds anew
Purity in its innocence is a devotion of many a hearts,
Though experience made peace with everything that wisdom has taught.

I am full of mirth on this day,
As I have finally reconciled with the wind and light that kept me awake
To see the dawn coming alive
To find an ocean of love that has not died.

Dennis Ryan 03 November 2024

I think you have a better poem hidden inside this poem if you will just take the time to think more specifically, more descriptive about the time, place, circumstances that led to this poem's writing.

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Dennis Ryan 03 November 2024

As I wrote in my message just before now, pretty good poem, but reread the poem, Soumili, and think hardcabout how you might change it to improve it for readers.

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