Tom Poem by Holly Jamestone


Last week we saw a friend of ours
Dining all alone
His eyes were soft, his aura bright
His skin a gorgeous tone

My other friend invited him
To join us for our meal
Though he didn't remember me
Tom's gratitude was real

He warmly moved himself near us
And gave us both a gift
Of company, of warmth, his time
An unexpected lift

Longer than a decade it had been
Since we had spoken
And though his limbs and health had changed
His spirit was not broken

No longer did he practice law
But gained at being strong
In grabbing hours and treasuring
His days, though often long

We saw a smile so pearly white
A presence overflowing
Commanding, calm intelligence
With only courage showing

We felt a heart so hopeful
With amazing things to share
So mesmerized were we that day
We never saw his chair

We didn't noticed tired legs
But only strands of hope
A solid man of dignity
Who's mastered how to cope

We never saw self-pity
Nor any inhibition
A simple message and a spark
To fuel one's own ignition

Tom gave us much more than we could
Have ever hoped to give
A lunch to brighten both our days
A message how to live

He typified what Giving Thanks
Could mean for all of us
If every day we'd pause and think
Before we start to fuss

We raise our goblets high for 'Tom'
Our toast this Thursday meal
To all those who are challenged
But who never lose their zeal

Tom changed forever how we will
Give Thanks from this day on
His class gave us a candid glimpse of
Strength to draw upon

In Tribute to Tom Barrows
©2012 All Rights Reserved

Holly Jamestone

Holly Jamestone

Denver, CO U.S.A.
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