Tombstone Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



Streets and movements
-are, to me, peaks, rivers
-like poets of the past
-I sit and look, observe
-from both, learn lessons

In times feel on carpet
In times hold the Ball of Crystal

They take me on journey
-to skies, wearing wings
-I become Icarus, or Kavoos
-with wax wings, on throne
-and fly toward sun, as eagles

I crash, careless how I take off
-as did they, who remained
-mythical forever

Digital is brain, binary
-zero, one…zero, one

Invited I am to graveyard
-friends say as does the stone…
- "Did abstain…"
-means crime/ his father's
- (to bring children!)

Then hear the news:
- "Childfree, " of women
-into depths dip my feet
- "What is this, which is which? "

Tomb stone is open in message
- "Life is tough, why should I…? "

Childfree, as I see
-is caring for own-self
-beauty…? Or lazy…?

Once the girls got married
-loved to have children
-as bridge to husband
-now, girls look for other
-mostly have "relation, "
- "ship, " as game…
- (with one, more…)

And still, my feet chilled
-comes breeze
-it brings more questions:
- "Parent-child? "
- "What kind of relation?

"You can make, "
- "only one in China…"
- "You can work, feed, dress…
- "You can take to school…
-but never…no never…can spank! "

That is what
That is where
Women ask:
- "Pain is mine…
-…and remained…
-…are neighbours'…
-…and teachers'…
-…can't even tell: "Behave…"?
-…since there's nine-one-one? "

Then lowered their voices
- "why damage my frame?
- why deform my breast?
- why to go over size?
- why to be sleepless,
- for weeks, months?
- why crave for nonsense?
- and the risk of labour…

In time, I, can feel them with comment:
- "I didn't do nothing to expect children! "
- (means parents…yesterday! ! !)
- "Don't count on tomorrow
- thinks have change, will further! "

Saturday, July 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: relationships
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