Tongue Tied. Poem by Safiyyah Manjra

Tongue Tied.

Rating: 5.0

If I could muster the words to say,
Words that I wish to tell you once each day.

It would be how much I care,
So deeply that I fear.

I would tell you how I am afraid to lose you.
How I think you don't feel the same way but I think you do.

I try,
I try not to let you slip by.

The thought of me upsetting you,
Is worse than anything that is ever true.

Honesty hurts.
How do you make it painless?

I feel as though you sacrificed lots for me,
I give you nothing that I see.

I can't be exactly what you want me to be.
So why do you still love me?

I don't know why you stay.
I am for you each day.

Saturday, July 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and friendship,worries
Mahtab Bangalee 06 July 2019

deeply touching me this loving poem- Honesty hurts. How do you make it painless? .../// beautifully penned

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Safiyyah Manjra 07 July 2019

Thank you Mahtab, The journey of understanding what it is to love can be very deep and long. Glad you were touched by it. Hope you get through with everything. All the best.

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