Romantic love is starting point for lovers of aesthetic pleasure
In Nature by its bouquet of flowers, fruits, green pasture and
Beautiful hills with green meadows and cascade of water falls
Going down the valley to be a river passing through pains to sea!
Seas mingle oceans like the hills touch clouds perhaps to the
Staircase going to the Milky-way to the door of heaven finally;
Lovers of Nature in close touch explore Nature in total to know
The connection of body, mind, heart and spirit with Universe!
In love and dreams they explore about S[ace, Universe and soul
That have no end to explore as that are infinite and imminent
Like human love that is heavenly in the world as a source and
Model to know the Space with all matter, time and living beings!
Without love inspired by the beauty of Nature, we know nothing and progress;
Physical, intellectual and spiritual are the stages or routes to know to become complete!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Without love inspired by the beauty of Nature, we know nothing and progress; Physical, intellectual and spiritual are the stages or routes to know to become complete!