Train To Derry Poem by Theo Dorgan

Train To Derry

Rating: 4.6

A crow beats on the updraft over a scragged hawthorn,
rocked but plunging on. A stick of Paras, bristling with nerves,
coughs and boots forward along the sheugh.
Long after the soldiers have gone, the crows will settle home.

Since Newry, choppers have been battling back and forth
across the track. These trains are overheated, sweat
stings in my underslept eyes; I'd rather the crows' lift and pluck
than to be here, rocked to the quick, driving on Derry.

I often wish, my love, that we were birds, the wide domains
of Ireland at our turn and fall, the world's wind
our natural element - rain, ice, hail or sun our gods,
the tall pines our greenwhip lightning rods.

Tonight there's a horned moon and Venus trailing
low over the Waterside. Tonight let me fold you in my wings,
pray nobody's killed in dark of country or town. We'll settle
the long night in another of our beds, watch what the morning brings.

Paul Reed 20 October 2016

The longevity of the crows outlasts the wars, as nature outlasts man. Great lines including the final two which I think is a philosophical acceptance of the moment.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 31 October 2016

I often wish, my love, that we were birds, .... What a nice line! ! ..... Congrats for being selected.....

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Edward Kofi Louis 31 October 2016

Bristling with nerves! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Susan Williams 31 October 2016

What a well-done use of contrast- but I am woman so I want to curl up with his last 8 lines. I want to read more by this poet. If this poem is anything to go by, the rest of his work would be an honor to read.

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Michael Walker 31 October 2016

A very impressive poem, set against the background of The Troubles. M.Walker.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 12 June 2023

Truly enjoyed this Modern Poem Of The Day. Congratulations, Sir!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 12 June 2023

CONGRATULATIONS being chosen by PoemHunter and Team as The Modern Poem Of The Day, great reading for us, this brilliant poem by an Irish Poet. TOP Marks.

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Paul Reed 17 May 2018

This poem has so many facets. Third verse very special.

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Rajnish Manga 31 October 2017

The poem brings to fore not only the scenes on a train journey but also a fine portrayal of sentiments of a true lover his native and of humanity in this life. Thank you, Theo. I often wish, my love, that we were birds, the wide domains of Ireland.... let me fold you in my wings

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Bernard F. Asuncion 31 October 2017

Such a great poem, Theo... congrats for being chosen....10++++

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Theo Dorgan

Theo Dorgan

Cork / Ireland
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