Traitors Poem by Chan Mongol


September 01 of 2022

From the Iranian Gulf to China's South China sea;

Who is the authority of an independent country?

Admit that America controls traitor rulers sovereignty;

All traitors are tied up with America's accord and treaty.

Governments of countries follow America's orders;

In the name of dirty liberty, USA keeps us as prisoners!

USA occupied all Oceans, Seas by own super navy;

It's strange when I hear that USA talks about liberty!

What possible business USA got in South China Sea?

Collaborator countries are not yet sovereign and free!

From double standard acts, no way for unpins;

We all are within ranges of U.S submarines.

Those who can't depend own independence;

They just sell own countries with the bad performance!

Bangladesh was made by India in nineteen seventy-one;

So, Bangladesh exists because of India's charity and plan!

Presently, those traitor governing bodies of Ukraine and Taiwan;

Processes to sell their countries to USA are also almost done!

Traitors put people and the countries as commodity, collateral;

Traitors misinterpret the collateral as the freedom struggle.

American packages to Countries are not obviously free;

In order to understand that, you must attentively see!

Like it or not, read and store in the memory pouch in you;

Listen to my poorly crafted recitations and videos, to know!

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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