Transcriptions (For The Piano) Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Transcriptions (For The Piano)

these transcriptions of a bridal sky

where cliffs of pearl drop off into silence

and the clouds float with the moon

woven through an infinite loom

I have woven too,

in my fashion

these transcriptions

shading unto rose;

into the rose gold of a script so

calibrated, it has to be May with her gardenias

or April at the very least that it may be

music and never cease

with the treble of stars;

the sense that where you are

you will always be

nostalgic for the evenings

and the breeze itself

the souvenir now of what you felt then

passing the white flowering trees

passing the turbulence of the spring violins

at the conservatory and in the twilight practice hour

when everything has flowered and is blue

unto the perilous beauty of the Unseen;

the peridotal fragments gleaming into emerald

and everything is jeweled and all at once

it's Heraclitean; it's the fairy tale in its

kaleidoscopic phase

through the grass lightly you slip

through all your days;

younger than then

in the morning, mourning dew,

the pale birds flown.

mary angela douglas 6 october 2019

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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