Treasure Box In The Ceiling Come Down Poem by Sarah Mkhonza

Treasure Box In The Ceiling Come Down

They said there is a treasure box
In the ceiling. All they told me
To do was to look up, and my mind
Would show me what it was, that was
Hidden in the box.

I looked up and my mind told me, to
Pen down ideas as they came and ask,
What it is I want to see. I saw good
Luck walking towards the east, on the
Back of a camel. I also saw cousins
Singing and dancing on their knees.
I asked them why this unusual dance?
They told me to get to know the truth,
About things you have to go through,
Suffering is so sacred, that the giver who has
Its seeddecides that you want badly and does,
The hardest things.

They said they would not give up the
Prayer, until they had been given what
They wanted. When asked what it was,
They said they wanted to become, the
Rulers of their countries, for they
Had suffered enough and did not want
Their children to suffer like them.

I told them they were daughters, of
Dust and therefore would not get
Their request, for only those born
In the month of May, when the aloe
Is in bloom, can ask and get things
From the giver. For those are the
People, who know where the treasure
Box, that sits in the ceiling of the
World is, and only them have seen
Its contents.

I was told to go away, for I was
Causing them to have no hope. They
Told me they would get down the
Box in the ceiling, with their
Belief, for they had seen the box,
Starting to turn up there and hope,
Was all they needed. They could
Hear presents making noise in the
Box. Presence of mind was all that
Would have them bring down the box.

I walked away for I was not one to
Wait for things so lofty. I had no
Patience, nor did I have the company
That could help me sustain so noble
A cause. Tired I was and hunger had
Scooped out my eyes. Box or no box
With no eyes but holes in in my face,
I could not bring the box in the ceiling down;
I decided to bring it down in words
And here it is. Now I can only dare
To tell the box to come down with
The best voice I have.

Monday, December 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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