Trust In God Poem by Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan

Trust In God

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Trust In God
In helplessness we have been ordained with excellence
Every fate or fortune is predestined to follow and to flow
Kindness and mercy of Lord remains but as an evidence
So from birth till death there is a point to grow and glow
Soul from times immemorial remains the order of Lord
Likewise whatever is written in fate takes us but along
It is a moment of great pleasure to be the ward of God
We have a pride in the fact that to Lord we do belong
The only fact is that we donot have any one else less Lord
So we must have indomitable faith to believe in Him
Love of Lord is supreme to be understood as a love cord
My love for my Lord remains the basis of this hymn
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Aug2021 Love Remains

Sylvia Frances Chan 12 August 2021

Lovely poem about God, with full excellence worded and amazingly rendered. Fascinating devotional poem.5 Stars full and I have enjoyed very much this scintillating poem

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Dr Dillip K Swain 11 August 2021

A great poem but the message is applicable only to believers because non-believers can never believe anything!

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