Truth Is Life Poem by mamutty CHOLA

Truth Is Life


Never live in the past failures
Use failures as success strategy

Lofty goals are not enough for success
If you do not have action packed strategy

Focus has to be on goal oriented strategy
Key to success lies galvanized focused mission

If you aim at planets beyond stars and Moon
Must aim at relevant capabilities as your USP

Become a role model for others
Never become a lesson for others

Success of one and all rest on
Required capabilities and right focus

Success being a continues journey
Every success a transient camp
Success is not permanent but fleeting

Be a source help for others in their struggles
There is no kick in life if you live for self, animals also do

Keep your mind open and receptive to new ideas
To help you change with changing time

Keep a balance what you do in life
Be it home, office, or social fronts

Success whether small or big in life
They are like milestones in life

Those who operate out of box
Often seen excelling in lives

Every change brings along challenges as well
Such challenges are not hurdles but opportunities

Success demands victory at every steps
Nothing ventures, nothing gains

Never run after fame, name and wealth
If you are success, rest you will get by default

Bury the fear of failures deep down in the oblivion
Your focus has to be on do and prosper rather do and die

When you are top of your career and life
Take pride in self and in your loved ones

Those who are successful in the life whatever they do
Because they are futuristic in their thoughts and actions

Never ever tolerate those who are careless in life
Do whatever you do with total commitment

This attitude would guarantee the success
Though the world may not agree with you

Regret not over your deprivation in life
success you get after concerted efforts and failures

Rome was not built in a day; small success does matter
Thousand miles journey starts with your first two steps

Never indulge in day dreaming; focused dreaming wellcome
Time is power and also time is wealth

Thanks those who never helped you when needed most
But for their refusal you would not have become successful

Every day is a good day if intentions are good
Live every day with joy as if it is your last day

Monday, April 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: epic
Error Success