Ukraine Russia War- Say A Prayer That Peace Returns And Compassion Prevails In Ukraine Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Ukraine Russia War- Say A Prayer That Peace Returns And Compassion Prevails In Ukraine

A burning topic called war and vengeance
keeps so many pondering and worrying
as two countries are engaged in a fierce cross-fire
for days and months without any care or concern for humanity;

and as no one knows when and what will be next,
innocent people keep losing lives every hour
as many soldiers keep fighting to defend their sides
as many missiles keep targeting peaceful homes and cities;

and as months have passed and hostility has aggravated
the language of peace has long been forgotten;
and as missiles keep dropping like fireworks everyday
houses keep getting demolished like a pack of cards;

and as no one can anticipate what and who is next
the world keeps promising help and remedies,
yet how can an enemy ever be made to change his route
when so much of defiance has paved in his boots;

and as the cities and streets of Ukraine are so full of debris
many have died like birds getting shot in their wings;
and as bombs and missiles keep falling like rainfall
many keep dying so suddenly like fireflies;

and though everyone is waiting for the war to end
tomorrow promises nothing but more threats in hand;
people are tired and so is the world
of watching deaths and brutalities for months and days;

if only can one look at the moonlight and ponder,
one will understand how many families out there sleep in pain
how many children cry in their cribs with hunger and discomfort,
how many families are distraught elsewhere as refugees.

O God, if in any of my prayers I have asked Thee to save a life,
today I repeat the same prayer for Ukraine again;
and I beseech Thee O' Almighty God to save them
from nuclear war and to cast a grain of courage in every heart;

so that their time of tragedies and tears vanishes like a rainbow
and they have to face those sufferings and sorrows no more;
let Ukrainians awaken with serenity and solace
let them cherish the compassion and peace, humanity deserves.

Ukraine Russia War- Say A Prayer That Peace Returns  And Compassion Prevails In Ukraine
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