Undervalued For Friend Leslie Alexis Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Undervalued For Friend Leslie Alexis

Rating: 5.0

Some gain fame undeservedly
The spot light of publicity
can transform a nonentity
into a new celebrity.

Like shooting stars across the sky
they brightly glow and quickly die.
They do not last although they try
Because there is no reason why.

They achieved fame in the first place.
They disappear and leave no trace.
Becoming just another face
amongst the teeming human race.

Replaced by some other would be
famous well known celebrity.
Selected by the powers that be
who can control publicity.

What makes me really furious
they have nothing to offer us.
At least nothing that’s serious
They act the fool and make a fuss.

The worship of celebrities
is a modern age disease.
Which fills me with a vague unease
It may be that I’m hard to please.

I must admit that it is true
Perhaps you think the way I do
I’m sure that there are many who
don’t get the recognition due.

Whilst some so called celebrity
receives unearned publicity
The heroes we don’t hear or see
languish in obscurity.

Nobody seems to recognise
the little men the working guys
are worth more than celebrities
who gained their fame by blatant lies.


http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers


nice poetry.... my name.. yes? ? ? ?

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C T Heart 06 November 2008

Very well said Ivor....You have depicted vividly fame in just a snap for those who are undeserving. To no futher ado, your piece is applicable to all...great rhyming in which many forgot now the true framework of literature...a 10.

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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