Unforgiving Nature's Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Unforgiving Nature's

Dancing lightly, afraid of falling, entranced in a
dimension far from living, surviving downward facets
of life with no clues as to how it's being done.

Alive, with no meaning as yet, cannot fathom the
realities of daily tasks.

No where to hide, no where to run, facing attitudes
begun in childhood, no outlets open to run and frolic,
where are the attributes that were to follow?

Surfacing without acknowledgement, mindless memories
poke and prick consciousness, astounded by the
response they get.

Forever dancing on plains of unforgiving nature's,
totality lies waiting in open palms of beggars on
streets of inner emptiness.

Why do we all hang limply to pride and difficult
egos? Why can't we let go and follow our inner
traits of belonging?

So quietly we step over things we feel we cannot
deal with, yet we accomplish so much in the wake
of an undesirable effect, lives continuing on
these tracks of recklessness.

No thoughts or words issuing forth truths of past
times dealt with, we are here forever, standing
around warm hearths, tattered images, cold and

No futures to gain, no present remains, living
pasts without question, daily focusing on
latitudes of vicissitudes.

Our changing habits do not alter the unalterable
feelings we keep hidden from the view of others.

Daring not to allow the portrayal of ourselves,
to become images many others will see.

Serenely, almost peacefully, throes of life live
necessarily on desert wastelands, choosing it's
arid dryness to sweetened tears.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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