Unruffled And Mischievous Poem by Lasaad Tayeb

Unruffled And Mischievous

Though scattered, focus on short tasks.
Proactively, with respect, and quiet way.
If you're depressed, these are your circumstances.
There is nothing to gaze to if you exhausted the try.

Foray to unwind or do something pleasing for love.
After a calamity, the promise of reward vanish.
Shove a less irritable person to obtain a reprieve.
Will would enhance humanity if we were not clannish.

Rather than fretting, attempt to calm down.
When one is tranquil, he accepts equanimity.
It would assist if you highlighted your frown.
Intending of enjoying love, allow no anonymity.

Toughness is crucial for being relentless.
I'll repeat it spread your seeds of hope.
Human spirit is shown in their peaceful confession.
Soon, dreams of passion will inspire the elope.

It can be joyous or stressful, based on your trends.
When the only option is immediate, decisive action
It may stem from a need or be the result of intends
When a storm is raging, a regal deal of interaction

Arouse your mind to still not to embalm
All evolves with time, including oneself
Your skills assist you in ensuring your calm
Despite the environment, balance yourself

It feels delicious to remove things off your chest
According to one's criteria of estimation.
let them bear the burden and relish the benefit
Indeed, each individual nails the same evaluation

Many people who survived an incident whisper
When you're idle, your thoughts seem inactive
Possibilities for conflict render you relatively weaker
At first glance, it appears to be an admirable captive.

You are aware of serene and stop embracing her.
Do you still seem sore, or are you faking stress?
I hope you satisfied her and dabbed away her tear.
His ethical dilemma makes a different excess.

Unruffled And Mischievous
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