Value And Significance Of Things! Poem by Ramesh T A

Value And Significance Of Things!

Value of shading trees is better felt in Summer than in other seasons of the year!
It's all needs of our life decide about the significance of things in the world!
Rain is another thing we wish for much unable to bear heat of Summer long,
But shun it during the times of cyclone and foods causing havoc everywhere!

Technological developments expanding big urban areas shrink villages;
Profitable crops are being cultivated in clearing rain forests everywhere
That cause drought condition long eschewing most wanted rains in monsoons
Making the need for sure cultivation of trees as much as possible everywhere!

Sans single life cell causing growth of green algae life could not have evolved
From leaves, trees, species of animals to human beings like us still evolving
Perhaps to divine beings after man has become superman by evolution further;
But without trees, there is no shelter to birds, animals, man and also no rain.

Without trees, there won't be rain and without rain, there is no Water
To irrigate fields to grow food crops to feed animals, birds and humans ever!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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