Volcano Of Hate Poem by Matloob Bokhari

Volcano Of Hate

Volcano overflowing with lava
Will cause dark ash and heat.
Tsunami in its whirling, swirling rage
Will destroy the lives and sweep the smiles.
The rumbling earth in its angry mood
Will shake homes and bury people under rubble.
And blow the beautiful world to an end.
Man is the most cold hearted breed
Man is the most ruthless when power in hand
Man is the most ferocious animal on this planet
Man has landed on moon but emotionally living in stone age
The hate running through the man's veins
Will start the war out of stupid fanaticism
And will destroy the whole beautiful world'
A Palestinian boy told the story to kind lion before breathing his last

Jann Gail Jones: You are so right Matloob! We must recognize the hate in our own veins and purify our blood most hastily. Hate is a terminal disease. Worse than any other known to mankind. Replace all hate with love.. and live in joy and beauty and bliss. Love wins, Matloob
EmMeilė: Matloob, I agree! I believe without hate/fear in men's hearts, the atom bomb would never have been created...and yes I agree it is more dangerous, because of the potential far more dangerous things....even greed is a form of fear, just hate is.
Poetry Con Garapan: Wow. I'm really glad I was able to see this. What a soulful and uplifting write!
Marilyn Ann Francis: Inhearitedhatred, as H.W.LONGFELLOW called it, is more destructive than natural desasters....: '(so sad... so true, MAF
Laura Grillo Laveglia: I could not agree more! With a few lines you have stated the worlds truth! !

Karyn Walker: God will prevail, dearest Brother! He always makes things right! Some kind of way it has to stop! I have been reading today and I am saddened beyond comprehension at how this world can be so cruel! Nothing here belongs to us but as I type this, people are being starved because if they go out looking for food they will be gunned down and the same for medical help! Hospitals are being riddled with bullets and bombs in some countries right now! And the world goes on as if nothing is wrong because they are blinded by mainstream media! I hate the hate too, God knows I hate the hate!
Nancy Ndeke: Touching write
Qaisar Shahzad: Really moving!
Qaisar Shahzad: Sir Matloob Bokhari! Is it the natural disaster or the man himself, which is a greater threat to mankind?
Bindi Sharma: Deeply touching
Gull E Arzu: Really heart touching lines
Michele Vizzotti-White: So sad and vivid Mr B...
Annie Hilwani: Very good writing... You take the readers to feel the the situation well!
Maqsoodul Hassan: Wah. What a touching poem
Sylvia Tjan: I dislike wars and hatred between countries.
Shaukat Awan: Aweful but reality
Shaukat Awan: Aweful but reality
Ellen Whitcomb Hutton: So sad 😔
Michele Vizzotti-White: So sad and vivid Mr B...
Annie Hilwani: Very good writing... You take the readers to feel the the situation well!
Maqsoodul Hassan: Wah. What a touching poem
Nancy Ndeke: Touching write
Qaisar Shahzad: Really moving!
Qaisar Shahzad: Sir Matloob Bokhari! Is it the natural disaster or the man himself, which is a greater threat to mankind?

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