War - Ww1 - Bolshevik Revolution At The End Of The Great War Poem by Paul Warren

War - Ww1 - Bolshevik Revolution At The End Of The Great War

In 1918 after four years of the bloody Great War
Russia had gone over to the Bolshevik Revolution
And the Americans were still training troops to explore
Their part in the fighting and to man the trenches as a solution

The British were apprehensive that their people would revolt
From the endless casualties taken from the trench warfare
With General Haig treating each battle as a victory that jolted
And the situation in Ireland mired with their people in despair

The Irish wanted self rule and were threatening Civil War
And other matters were coming to a head that meant
Conscription for Ireland's men they did not want to explore
The British Government held back 175,000 troops to the front not sent

These troops would be handy it a Bolshevik Revolt occurred
As the Government at one stage could not count on the police
When they went on a strike for better wages they implored
And they didn't go back to work without their wages slice

The British workforce had held workers strikes all over Britain
And it looked like the Army would be needed to restore order
The French were also in a similar position in that they had to contend
So they withdrew their Calvary Divisions to restore any disorder

But it was the Germans who cracked first with their Revolution
When they ousted their Kaiser and wanted peace this time
With the Americans in the trenches and their soldiers without song
Peace came just in time to save the Allied Government and their line

With all of the death and destruction of the Great War
When ordinary people of Europe had enough of their country's service
And wanted peace and more say in their Government they implored
Russia and Germany lost their Royal Dynasties making Britain's nervous.

© Paul Warren Poetry

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: war
Paul Warren

Paul Warren

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