Wave Motive Power Cubed Poem by Terence George Craddock

Wave Motive Power Cubed

Rating: 5.0

take a wield cube shaped rock
weighing a few tons in weight
then explain what motions moved...
this rock wedged between two rock pillars
where surf sprays in upon rocky west coast sea shore?

a good theory begins math weighed
if a cubic meter of seawater weighs
a ton more or less we may mechanics suppose...
a sea storm applied push power seven meter swell
not uncommon on the wind wave swept wild west coast

during a storm picking up our pebble cube
playing sea soccer with successive waves
time teamwork breaks may sound defences...
thus our wield cube shaped rock is physics shot
dropping it in the goal rock wedged stuck wave retreating space

stuck between a rock and a hard place
it'll probably leave the same way one day
mysteries of nature what will be will be...
king tides storm surge might set it free
sides of an ancient dice too smooth to be worn by the sea

how very queer did a wave put it there
basic law of physics fluid not compressible
states wave hits rock - rock moves -wave dissipates - rock drops...
who would love it to be more alien mysterious
an ancient rock dice at odds with pillars wedged angle

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Monday, May 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: waves,nature,sea
Complete version of the split images 'When The Sea Plays Rock Soccer' and 'Storm Plays Sea Soccer With Successive Waves', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Dedicated to Don Parish, Kissell Mathew and Pat Cooper, members of the 'I Come From Westport' Public Group. Inspired by a photo taken by Don Parish and comments made by locals in the 'I Come From Westport' Public Group, especially Kissell Mathew and Pat Cooper. Second paragraph inspird by Kissell Mathew and fifth paragraph inspired by Pat Cooper. Written in May 2016 on the 17.5.2016.
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