In the Human World it does not belong
We do not need racism since it is so wrong
The racists in their ways are so very small
To have them amongst us a blight on us all.
Since red is the blood we are born with to bleed
The racists amongst us we surely don't need
The scourge of racism is a human disgrace
For it in the Human World there ought not to be a place.
Racism is the source of serious crimes against humanity
Without racists so much better off we all would be
The torch of hatred of difference they set to flame
To have them amongst us is to all of our shame.
To war and to conflicts racism does lead
Without it the Human World would be better indeed
The racists amongst us to us all a put down
They never bring honour to their side of the town.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem