We Need Our Lord Poem by Gary James Smith

We Need Our Lord

Rating: 5.0

We Need Our Lord

We need our Lord praise God He's there
There's never an interruption
The only time we think Him afar
Is when we live with corruption
We must confess any known sin
To get back into fellowship
Then the faithful and the just one
He will take care of it

It is our loss at times as such
The Holy Spirit is grieved
When we choose walking in the flesh
Rather then in the Spirit'sease
For when walking in the Spirit
You won't fulfill the lust of the flesh
You will want to live for God's glory
Not for a cause of worthlessness

For this old world will pass away
And all the lusts wherein
When God will completely eradicate
Any semblance of sin
Nor will the power of its torment
Have any memory
For we shall be with Jesus Christ
What glorious liberty

O yes we need the Lord
We need Him every hour
He is ever interceedingfor us
What awesomeness and power
To have an Advocate such as Him
There at the Father's throne
Gives us hope... glorious hope
Soon we will be home!

Copyright March 11 20187: 52am

Gary James Smith

Sunday, March 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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