We Were Two Poem by Randy McClave

We Were Two

I thought that we were a pair
After the things that we did do,
I loved you and I truly did care
You and I, I thought were two.
We held hands and we walked
As I thought our love had grew,
I heard romance when we talked
You and I, I thought were two.
But, then I started to calculate
I then wanted to bid adieu,
I quickly got to the number eight
You and I were never two.
I found out that I wasn't rated
In your numbered queue,
And for that position we were fated,
But, you and I were never two.
I decided I would rather be alone
Than to ever be with you,
Alone, I would now rather atone
Than for us, to ever be two.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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